J.R. (Lawrence) Greer, RN, BSN, HNB-BC, HWNC-BC

J.R. (Lawrence) Greer


About J.R. (Lawrence) Greer, RN, BSN, HNB-BC, HWNC-BC

Is a Board Certified Holistic Nurse. This means that when I look at you I don’t just see a physical body but that you are made up of many different parts. For example Physical Body, Mental Self, Emotional Self, Spiritual Self and More. I have been trained in healing modalities to help aid your body to naturally heal itself. Services that I offer are energy healing in the form of Reiki, Sound Healing using Singing Bowls, and health and wellness coaching specializing in Life Design and Spiritual Wellness.

Sound Healing

One unique and amazing way we can help our bodies heal is by using sound. Singing bowls have been used for hundreds of years to help restore the bodies energy back into alignment. This works with the power of sound frequency and since the body is made up of at least 60% water it is amplified and absorbed with the cells. Restoring balance back into the body and when the body is balanced healing can take place. Singing bowls can help asses and balance the bodies chakras, harmonizing the energy system and allow healing to take place within the body.

Benefits of Sound Healing:

  • Decreased Anxiety
  • Decreased Blood Pressure
  • Decreased Stress
  • Stabilizing Heart Rate
  • Increased Energy
  • Increased Overall Wellness

Life Design and Spiritual Coaching

As a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach I want to help you Design your life to live the life of your dreams! How do I do that? By serving you in such a powerful way that transformation occurs. I will assist you with eliminating negative mindsets and thoughts that don’t serve you. Allow your innate self to surface and guide and direct you. Challenge you to see your dream come true, to take that step and stop talking about it or making excuses. Overcomes barriers that are holding you back. When your living the life you desire then your overall wellness will be harmonized. This is a personalized one of a kind approach to help better your overall health and wellness.


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